Here at Zillo we are very proud to announce the Zillo Youth Awards 2023.
This spectacular event hosted by Zillo Young Reporters will be a night like no other!
The evening will take place on June 23rd 2023 at the infamous cultural hub ‘Pilgrim Street Arts Centre’ in Birkenhead.
The awards acknowledge young people's dedication, amazing abilities, hard work, and community engagement.
We encourage as many people as possible to nominate and be nominated. The aim of the awards is to highlight the amazing things young people do every day in Wirral.
Even if you don’t get shortlisted for an award your nomination is important. We value all young people and their achievements that’s why all nominees will receive a digital ZILLO Youth Award Certificate regardless of if they are shortlisted or not.
Everybody counts. Everybody Matters.
Nominations are open 9am Friday 31st March to Midnight on 30th April 2023. Read below for detailed information on the nomination categories.
Nomination Categories
Environmental Champion
Do you know someone who is relentless in their passion for saving the planet? Does your best mate do litter picking sessions, help with the ‘school green council’ work at school, recycle things into jewellery, plant trees, or just following in the footsteps of David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg? If so nominate them for the ‘Environmental Champion’ Award.
Community Engagement
Are you the young person in your street that delivers shopping to your elderly neighbours? Do you help out with your local ‘friends of the park’ group? What about supporting a scout troop or guides group to sell poppies every year or pack shopping in the supermarket. Maybe you volunteer in a charity shop every Saturday. Whichever way you or someone you know engages with your community it might just win you a Zillo Award so tell us all about it, complete your nomination for the ‘Community Champion’ Award now.
Animal Care
Tell us about your love of your guide dog, or how you always pet-sit for your neighbour’s chickens when they go on holiday. Are you a champion bunny handler or have you raised money to save donkeys, dolphins, or pangolins? Do you volunteer at the animal shelter looking after hedgehogs, or walk your elderly neighbours’ dog? Tell us anything that you or someone you know does that shows love and compassion for animals to be in with a chance of winning the ‘Animal Care’ Award.
Creative Trailblazer
Are you a game designer, a comic book writer, or a wildlife photographer? Do you build things (3d printing, Lego, Minecraft or actual craft)? Are you the world’s fastest knitter? Whatever your creative skill you could be in with a chance of winning a Zillo Award so show off, tell us all about it, fill in a nomination form now for the ‘Creative Trailblazer’ Award.
Flourish Award
Have you taken on your own mental health and won? Are you still battling? Do you teach people about how important mental health and wellbeing is? Do you spread the word, challenge discrimination, fight prejudice and fight for people’s mental wellbeing? Be proud. Fill in a form, be ambassador-like for yourself or someone you know to be our ‘Mental Health Ambassador’ winner.
Bravery and Courage
Have you been involved in something that took a huge amount of bravery and courage? Did you abseil off a building when your biggest fear is heights? Have you helped someone in a serious crisis situation, or are you brave everyday by fighting an illness or overcoming problems because of a disability? Bravery and courage can come from a small achievement, the nominee doesn’t need to have saved someone from a burning building (not something we recommend here at Zillo – safety first at all times please). It could be a small action that still required a massive amount of courage. That person could be the winner of our ‘Bravery and Courage’ award so get filling in the form now.
Best Campaigner
Is there something that you constantly challenge and try to change? Maybe you are trying to save the planet, save the whales, you love cleaning up your beach or park, or are always encouraging people to pick up their dog’s poop. Do you raise money for charity, or post awareness raising content on your social media? Whatever you or your nominee campaign about you can use this opportunity to show them how proud you are and depending on the nature of the campaign you may even get some free publicity (subject to agreement by Zillo).
Most Supportive Member of your Community
Sometimes there is a special young person in your life who is always there for you and others. They are kind and caring, helpful and hopeful. It doesn’t matter what kind of day you (or they) are having they always have a smile. They listen and support you just because they are nice. If you know someone like this please nominate them, the more examples of kindness you can give as evidence for your nomination the better. Make you nominee proud by winning the ‘Most Supportive Friend or Member of the Community’ Award.
Sports Achievement
This nominee could be a ‘champion’ or the ‘underdog’ they might have never scored a goal or finished a race, but they keep on trying. They may be a national competition winner or a judo beginner but something makes them stand out. Tell us why you or your nominee should be considered for the ‘Sports Achievement’ award.
The Above and Beyond Award
There are those young people in Wirral who go above and beyond. Some young people have a caring role within their homes. It may be for a parent or elderly relative who needs help in the home or with household chores or having to look after younger siblings. This is very tiring work and a big responsibility to carry. We want to celebrate those young people going the extra mile for the people and communities in their lives.