What Happens When I am 18?

I am turning 18 soon.  DO I still have to come to Youth Justice Service?

Hi I am Becky I am the Probation Officer and I work in Youth Justice Service.  I will explain what happens when you turn 18.

When you are 17 years and 6 months old you are probably starting to think about how to celebrate your 18th birthday.

Maybe you are planning a holiday or party.

Whilst you are getting ready for your 18th, the Youth Justice Service might be getting you ready to move you to the Probation Service. If you’re on certain Orders such as a Referral Order or if your Order is due to end soon after your 18th birthday, you’ll probably stay with the Youth Justice Service. If you’re on a long Court Order or a custodial sentence, you’ll probably move over to the Probation Service after you turn 18.

What is the Probation Service?

Probation is like the Youth Justice Service but for adults. The Probation Service also has an office for you to go to for appointments and you may still have home visits.  Because they work with adults, they can also help with things like employment, training and housing relevant to your age group.

If you are being transferred to the Probation Service, your Case manager will make sure that you are ready by:-

By completing the paperwork, introducing you to your new Probation Officer and making sure you understand everything and are ready. They will also support you at the start with getting to appointments.

What if I am in a secure unit or Young Offenders’ Institution when I turn 18?

If you are in custody when you turn 18, you might be able to stay in your current location or you might have to move to an adult prison. Your Youth Justice Service (YJS) worker will support you with this and, if you have to move, they will speak to the Probation Service to make sure you are supported in the new prison. When you are released, you will be supported by the Probation Service rather than the Youth Justice Service.

Further Support

Merseyside Police

Phone: 999 in an emergency

  • a serious offence is in progress or has just been committed

  • someone is in immediate danger or harm

  • property is in danger of being damaged

  • a serious disruption to the public is likely

Phone: 0800 555 111 for Crimestoppers

For more information about Police UK search Police UK in this directory.

Visit the Merseyside Police website

Catch 22

Offender management, violence reduction interventions, rehabilitation and victim services. Working with young people and adults, we provide intervention services in custody and in the community that are focused on building strong, consistent and trusting relationships to help unlock potential and make positive changes in life.

Phone: 020 7336 4800

Email: Peopleservices@catch-22.org.uk

For more information about Catch22 search Catch22 in this directory. 

Visit the Catch22 website

Visit the Catch22 Facebook page

Wirral Youth Justice Service Prevention Work

YJS prevention work is completed on a voluntary basis with young people aged 10 to 18 years who are involved in Anti-Social or Offending Behaviour.

Who is eligible and how can I make a referral to Prevention Services?

In order to be eligible for support young people must be involved in either 1,2, 3 or 4:

1 - Persistent high level ASB (consider checking with Wirral Anti-Social Behaviour Team)

2 - Behaviour which could have resulted in a prosecution (including regularly carrying weapons)

3 - Violence on parents/carers

(if this is the key issue then please contact Tim Collins 666 4918 for the referral form for this service)

4 – Concerning

(not harmful) sexual behaviour (those committing harmful sexual behaviour should be referred on the Changing Futures referral form and should contact Ann Ainscough or Patricia Wootton via our main number 666 3466

Additional Factors

School Factors – NEET, Exclusion or Risk of, Very low school attendance

Drug / Alcohol use impacting life chances

Peers or Family committing offences / Risk of Criminal Exploitation (CE)

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

Referrals for the YJS Prevention Services should be completed on the Youth Justice Service referral form.  Please call 0151-666-3466 for more details.

Referral form can be found in the resources section here