
Psychedelics are the group of drugs also known as hallucinogens or mind-altering substances, are a class of drugs that produce altered states of consciousness, perceptual distortions, and intense sensory experiences.

These substances can profoundly affect thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and sensations. Psychedelics are known for their ability to induce hallucinations, changes in perception of time, and altered thoughts and emotions.

Magic mushrooms
  • Psychedelics, also known as hallucinogens or hallucinogenic substances, are a class of drugs that can alter perception, mood, and consciousness. They can induce profound changes in thinking, sensory perception, and emotional experiences. These substances can produce vivid, unusual, and sometimes mystical or spiritual experiences, and they have been used for various purposes, including religious or shamanic rituals, self-exploration, and recreational use.

    Some of the most well-known psychedelics include:

    LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide): LSD is a manmade substance that can cause intense vivid hallucinations, altered perception of reality, and profound changes in mood and thought processes.

    Psilocybin (Magic Mushrooms): Psilocybin is found in certain species of mushrooms and can produce effects such as altered perception, sensory distortion, and introspective experiences.

    DMT (Dimethyltryptamine): DMT is a naturally occurring compound found in certain plants and animals, as well as man made forms. It is known for producing intense, short-lasting experiences often described as "breakthrough" or "spiritual" moments.

    Mescaline: Mescaline is found in various cactus species, most notably in the peyote cactus. It can produce altered perception, enhanced sensory experiences, and introspection.

    MDMA (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine): While MDMA is often associated with the "club drug" ecstasy, it has both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects. It is known for promoting feelings of emotional closeness and empathy.

    Ayahuasca: Ayahuasca is a plant-based brew used traditionally in Amazonian cultures. It contains DMT and other compounds and is known for inducing powerful and often introspective visionary experiences.

    Ketamine: Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic that can induce hallucinogenic effects and is used both medically and recreationally.

    Psychedelics have been used for centuries in various cultural and religious contexts for spiritual and introspective purposes.

  • Psychedelics are a group of drugs rather then one single type. Here we have listed some of the more common ones.

    LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) typically comes in the form of small squares of paper known as "blotters" or "tabs." These squares are often adorned with colourful designs, patterns, or images, and they can vary in size. The designs on LSD blotter paper are not just for aesthetics; they help to identify and differentiate different batches or sources of the drug.

    LSD is commonly distributed on small squares of absorbent paper, which are perforated into individual dosage units. Each square usually contains a single dose of LSD, though the dosage can vary widely.

    The size of each blotter square can vary, but they are typically around 0.25 to 0.5 inches (6 to 12 millimetres) in width and length. Each square represents a single dose of LSD.

    The dosage of LSD on a single blotter square can vary significantly, often ranging from around 50 to 250 micrograms (µg) or more. Due to the potency of LSD, even small variations in dosage can lead to significant effects.

    Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, are a type of fungi that contain the psychoactive compounds called psilocybin and psilocin.

    These compounds are responsible for the hallucinogenic effects of the mushrooms. Magic mushrooms can vary in appearance based on the species and growing conditions, but they typically share some common characteristics. It's important to note that identifying wild mushrooms can be risky, as some species can be toxic or even deadly.

    DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is a powerful and naturally occurring hallucinogenic compound found in various plants, as well as in trace amounts in the human body. When used recreationally or in traditional rituals, DMT is typically extracted from plants or synthesised in a laboratory. DMT can be found in various forms, and its appearance can vary based on how it's prepared and consumed. Here are some general descriptions of what DMT can look like:

    DMT is often found in the form of a white or off-white crystalline powder. The powder is usually fine and can resemble other powdered substances.

    DMT crystals can range in size and shape but are generally translucent or white. They may appear as small shards or larger formations.

    Depending on the extraction method used, DMT can sometimes have a slightly yellow or brown tint to it. This discoloration might be more noticeable in certain preparations.

    Mescaline is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic compound found in certain cacti. When consumed for its psychoactive effects, mescaline is typically extracted from these cacti or used in traditional rituals. Mescaline itself is a crystalline substance, and its appearance can vary based on the form in which it is found. Here are some general descriptions of what mescaline can look like:

    MDMA commonly known as ecstasy, is a synthetic psychoactive drug that is often used recreationally. MDMA is typically found in the form of tablets or capsules. It's important to note that the appearance of MDMA pills can change frequently as new designs and logos are introduced by illicit manufacturers.

    MDMA is commonly found in tablet form, often referred to as "ecstasy" pills. These tablets can come in various sizes, shapes, and colours. They may have distinctive logos, symbols, or designs stamped onto them. These markings can be used by manufacturers to differentiate their products and establish a brand identity.

    MDMA can also be found in capsule form. Capsules are typically made of gelatine or other materials and may be transparent or opaque. They can contain MDMA powder or crystals.

    Ketamine is a fine, white powder that can be snorted, swallowed, or injected. See Ketamine section for more details.

  • The effects of psychedelic drugs can vary widely from person to person and from one substance to another. However, there are some common experiences and sensations that people often report when under the influence of psychedelics. It's important to remember that these experiences are personal to each person and can differ based on factors such as dosage, environment, mental state, and individual differences.

    Here are some general sensations and experiences that individuals might feel on a psychedelic drug:

    Altered Perception: Psychedelics can distort sensory perception, leading to changes in how you see, hear, and feel things. Colors may become more vibrant, patterns may seem to move and morph, and sounds might become more intense or melodic.

    Hallucinations: Visual and auditory hallucinations are common with psychedelics. You might see geometric shapes, patterns, or even completely fantastical scenes that aren't actually there. Auditory hallucinations can involve hearing music, voices, or other sounds that aren't present.

    Elevated Mood: Many people report feelings of euphoria, joy, and an enhanced sense of well-being. Positive emotions can be amplified, and you might experience a deep sense of interconnectedness with the world around you.

    Introspection and Insights: Psychedelics can lead to profound introspection, self-reflection, and insights into one's thoughts, emotions, and life experiences. This can sometimes lead to a better understanding of oneself and personal growth.

    Time Distortion: The sense of time can become distorted, with minutes feeling like hours or hours passing by in what seems like minutes.

    Emotional Intensity: Emotions can become intensified and fluctuate rapidly. This can lead to both positive and negative emotions feeling more intense than usual.

    Altered Sense of Self: Some individuals report a sense of ego dissolution or ego death, where the boundaries between themselves and the external world seem to blur. This can lead to feelings of unity with others or even with the universe.

    Heightened Creativity: Psychedelics might enhance your creativity and ability to think outside the box. Some individuals report having new insights or ideas during their experiences.

    Mystical or Spiritual Experiences: Some people describe profound feelings of connection to a higher power, nature, or a sense of the transcendent during psychedelic experiences.

    Anxiety or Confusion: On the flip side, psychedelics can also induce feelings of anxiety, confusion, or paranoia, especially if the setting isn't comfortable or if the person is not well-prepared for the experience.

    The effects of psychedelics are highly unpredictable and can vary based on numerous factors.

  • The affects of psychedelics will vary depending on which drug is taken, how much is taken, body size and if other drugs including alcohol are in the body.

    The after effects or residual effects of psychedelics can sometimes linger for hours or even days after the main experience.

    When considering using psychedelics, it's important to be prepared for the potential duration of the experience and to ensure that you're in a safe and supportive environment.

  • The risks of using Psychedelics are:

    Bad Trips: Psychedelics can induce intense and overwhelming experiences, leading to anxiety, panic, confusion, or a sense of loss of control. These challenging episodes are commonly referred to as "bad trips."

    Psychological Distress: In individuals predisposed to mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or psychosis, psychedelics could potentially trigger or worsen these conditions.

    Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD): Some users may develop persistent changes in perception, visual disturbances, or "flashbacks" long after the psychedelic experience has ended.

    Physical Health Risks: Psychedelics can have physiological effects such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Overdose is rare with many classic psychedelics, but it is possible to consume too much, leading to potentially serious health issues.

    Risk of Accidents: Altered perception, impaired coordination, and impaired judgment while under the influence of psychedelics can increase the risk of accidents and injuries.

    Inaccurate Perception of Reality: While altered states of consciousness can lead to valuable insights, they can also distort an individual's perception of reality, potentially causing confusion or misunderstanding.

    Unpredictable Responses: Individual reactions to psychedelics can vary widely, making it difficult to predict how any given person will respond.

    Negative Long-Term Effects: Some research suggests that frequent or high-dose psychedelic use may have long-term effects on mental health, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

    It's important to approach psychedelic use with caution, responsibility, and proper preparation. If you're considering using psychedelics, make sure you think about the following things:

    Safe Environment: Use psychedelics in a safe, supportive, and comfortable environment, ideally with a trusted and sober sitter.

    Dosage: Start with a low dose to minimise the risk of overwhelming experiences or negative reactions.

    Set and Setting: Mindset and setting play a crucial role in shaping the psychedelic experience. Ensure you're in a positive mental state and surroundings.

    Harm Reduction: Educate yourself about the substance, its effects, and potential risks.

    Avoid Mixing Substances: Mixing psychedelics with other substances, including alcohol, can increase risks and unpredictability.

  • If you, or someone you know is having problems with drug and/or alcohol misuse Response can provide help and support.

    Response offers a wide range of support for young people, aged 13 - 19 including drugs & alcohol, counselling and lifestyle support.

    To contact the team call 0151 666 4123 or email

    For people over 19 support is available from Wirral Ways. Wirral Ways is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service. We provide a non-judgemental service, with qualified, experienced staff and volunteers who offer support in health and wellbeing and substance misuse. We can talk to you in several supportive environments, all of which have a friendly atmosphere and provide you with information to help you reduce your substance misuse or become abstinent.

    Telephone: 0151 556 1335


    Remember that reaching out for help is a courageous and vital step towards addressing any substance use issues. There are resources and professionals available to support you on your journey to recovery. Don't hesitate to seek help and take the necessary steps to improve your well-being.

Further Support


If you, or someone you know is having problems with drug and/or alcohol misuse Response can provide help and support. Response offers a wide range of support for young people, aged 13 - 19, including drugs & alcohol, counselling and lifestyle support.

To contact the team call 0151 666 4123 or email

Wirral Ways

Wirral Ways is a free and confidential drug and alcohol service. We provide a non-judgemental service, with qualified, experienced staff and volunteers who offer support in health and wellbeing and substance misuse. We can talk to you in several supportive environments, all of which have a friendly atmosphere and provide you with information to help you reduce your substance misuse or become abstinent.

Telephone: 0151 556 1335


Health Services in Schools Youth Workers

HSIS Youth Workers support young people in Wirral Secondary Schools, Wirral Sixth Form College and Wirral Met College.

Each school/college has a designated HSIS Youth Worker that provides young people with an opportunity to access confidential support on any issues which may be affecting them.

We provide support to young people on a wide range of issues and topics such as: building resilience, reducing risks, healthy relationships, sexual Health (including issuing condoms in some schools) drugs, alcohol, emotional health, Stress and Anxiety.

To find your youth worker visit their page.


Shout is an affiliate of Crisis Text Line® in the UK that provides free, confidential support, 24/7 via text. It’s the first free 24/7 texting service in the UK for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. Shout is available in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland


Text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK to text with a trained Crisis Volunteer


Text BLUE to 85258 to get resources and sign posting information.



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