Trying to find the right career?

MCT team member Jess Sparks

This week we sat down to chat to Merseyside Community Training to discuss the issues affecting young people looking to get their career off the ground.  

ZILLO: Hi, Merseyside Community Training support young people trying to find a career. What issues do the young people meet when trying to choose a career?

There are a number of issues that young people will face these could be personal barriers like mental health or a disruptive home life, or they could be professional barriers like lack of experience or not knowing how to build a CV or attending an interview.

 Although the may be many barriers, the most difficult of these to over come can often be indecision, a lot of young people are pushed towards university as the only option without knowing what potential pathways there are.


ZILLO: What would you say to someone just about to leave school or college who may be feeling stressed about finding a career?

The first thing I would say is that their stress is valid, leaving education is a difficult time and the pressure to choose a career can feel constricting, especially when there’s added factors that affect the decision. I would also say to not to be too hard on themselves as there are many options available for young people to choose even if they aren’t looking to attend university.


ZILLO: Since COVID-19 have you seen employers looking for different things from the people they employ?

With the impact of Covid the world of work has been changed drastically, with a key focus on employees ability to be flexible in where they work. As hybrid working become more common so does the need for employee who can work reliably when working from home as well as being able to come into office when needed.


young person at computer

ZILLO: If a young person had an interest in starting their own business and becoming a young entrepreneur what advice would you give to them?

I would advise any person, young or old, when starting a business to seek out as much support as possible. Becoming a business owner is a difficult but worthy process and there are hundreds of service and community support that can found with the right help. These resources can be funding to help get you off the ground or, and this is sometimes more useful, a key bit of advice that sets a new plan into motion. A business cant survive without working with others.


ZILLO: What kinds of things should a young person do to help them feel more confident in choosing a career?

Having confidence in choosing a career often a decision that feels like its one that will last you for the rest of your life, however the most important thing to remember is to have faith in your decision. A career isn’t just a job its a pathway for your passion, a positive destination, and its never too late to find your right path.


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