Survey to support Wirral’s Young People with Special Educational Needs and disabilities

Today we spoke to Poppy (SEND Youth Engagement Officer) from Local Offer to hear about the work she is doing to improve services for young people with special educational needs and disabilities

Hi, my name is Poppy and I work for Wirral Council.

I work with children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to listen to them and help them use their voice to make things better.

Photo of Poppy from local offer

I’m really hoping you can help me to help you.

I’ve put together a short, easy to complete mini survey for young people. Will you spend 10 minutes (tops!) filling it in and share it with your friends and family?

This will be a fantastic way for me to champion your feelings, your frustrations, your ideas to make things better.

Young people need to be involved in all things to do with SEND. Young people will be heard and play their important part in all the work the local area gets involvement.

All people coming together to design/make a ‘thing’ that is the very best it can be for the people using the ‘thing’ is called Co-production. I’m hoping this is something many of you will want to get involved with.

This survey is for any SEND child/young person up to the age of 25 living in Wirral.

We already have a SEND youth voice group in Wirral and we meet up at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre in Birkenhead on Tuesday evenings. Let me know if you’d like to find out more.

The survey closes on Tuesday 1st March.

Thanks for any help you can give me. I will share the feedback with the senior leaders who fully support the work I am doing. Like me, they are interested to hear what you have to say. I’ll be in touch again soon to keep you up to date.


Youth Parliament election closes


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