16 Days of action to tackle Violence Against Women
Bicycle rally in Maldives to celebrate the 16 Days of Activism to end violence against women and girls. Photo: UN RCO Maldives/Lara L. Hill
‘Violence against Women’ happens all over the world.
It is emotional, physical, sexual or financial abuse or violence directed at women. It happens with actions or words face to face, through technology or online. It happens in women’s homes, in their workplace or in public places. It is done by partners, ex-partners, friends, neighbours, family members, strangers, colleagues, or sports coaches.
Violence against women can also happen after a relationship has ended, this could include things such as “revenge pornography” this could be like your ex sharing images with other people that you may have sent that are personal or private.
Sometimes people will post them on social media platforms without your consent.
This is a crime that offers happens to young people and can have a terrible impacted on their life and mental health.
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
This year’s theme is UNITE. You can read more about it on their website.
Over the next 16 days we will be exploring the issues surrounding gender based violence, its impact, how to spot it and how to take positive action against these kinds of acts.